Alguém conhece o scadabr e sabe como usa-lo, caso conheça por favor entre em contato pois preciso de algumas informações.

Uma delas é o protocolo modbus pois queria saber como comunicar um sensor,atuador,etc como o supervisor por meio de um microcontrolador ou coisa paracida, me parece que para poder acionar ou receber informações o supervisorio precisa de um clp (que é caro) ou por um microcontrolador?

se alguém tiver informações sobre como usar e implementar ou pelo menos mostrar o caminho das pedras já agradeço.


Exibições: 97571

Responder esta

Respostas a este tópico

Sim, dá pra usar este sensor, o link abaixo mostra como montar um monitor de energia usando um sensor parecido e arduino, depois é só monitorar com o scadabr

Boa noite Galera 

Fiz esta ligação e esta funcionando estou recebendo os resultados no monitor mais queria receber no Scadabr alguém pode mim agudar a na programação.

EmonLibrary examples, Licence GNU GPL V3
#include "EmonLib.h" // Include Emon Library

EnergyMonitor emon1; // Create an instance

void setup()


emon1.current(1, 111.1); // Current: input pin, calibration.

void loop()
double Irms = emon1.calcIrms(1480); // Calculate Irms only

Serial.print(Irms*230.0); // Apparent power
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.println(Irms); // Irms

Wilton, qual a biblioteca que vc ta usando no código do arduino? Não consigo fazer o ScadaBr reconhecer o a comunicação com o Arduino de jeito nenhum, já usei a biblioteca do JPMZometa e andré sarmento e nada.

Boa noite

Alguém tem este código do vídeo do Adriano Pereira.

Estou com um sensor de corrente elétrica e queria receber os resultados no scadabr alguém pode ajudar com este código tenho um exemplo mas não sei programa para Modbus serial.
EmonLibrary examples, Licence GNU GPL V3
#include "EmonLib.h" // Include Emon Library

EnergyMonitor emon1; // Create an instance

void setup()


emon1.current(1, 111.1); // Current: input pin, calibration.

void loop()
double Irms = emon1.calcIrms(1480); // Calculate Irms only

Serial.print(Irms*230.0); // Apparent power
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.println(Irms); // Irms

Boa noite 

Estou tentando configura mais tenho estes erros alguém pode ajudar.

Arduino: 1.6.0 (Windows 7), Placa:"Arduino Mega or Mega 2560, ATmega2560 (Mega 2560)"

Sensor_SCT_Corrente.ino:86:14: error: 'BPS' was not declared in this scope
Sensor_SCT_Corrente.ino:86:20: error: an assignment cannot appear in a constant-expression
Sensor_SCT_Corrente.ino: In function 'void setup()':
Sensor_SCT_Corrente.ino:103:9: error: 'emon1' was not declared in this scope
Sensor_SCT_Corrente.ino: In function 'void loop()':
Sensor_SCT_Corrente.ino:111:16: error: 'emon1' was not declared in this scope
Sensor_SCT_Corrente.ino: In function 'int send_reply(unsigned char*, unsigned char)':
Sensor_SCT_Corrente.ino:323:40: error: 'BYTE' was not declared in this scope
Erro compilando.

Este relatório deveria ter mais informações
"Mostrar saída verbosa durante a compilação"
habilitado em Arquivo > Preferências.

Segue código que estou usando...

Modbus over serial line - RTU Slave Arduino Sketch

By Juan Pablo Zometa :
and Samuel Marco:
and Andras Tucsni.

These functions implement functions 3, 6, and 16 (read holding registers,
preset single register and preset multiple registers) of the
Modbus RTU Protocol, to be used over the Arduino serial connection.

This implementation DOES NOT fully comply with the Modbus specifications.

This Arduino adaptation is derived from the work
By P.Costigan email:

These library of functions are designed to enable a program send and
receive data from a device that communicates using the Modbus protocol.

Copyright (C) 2000 Philip Costigan P.C. SCADA LINK PTY. LTD.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

The functions included here have been derived from the
Modicon Modbus Protocol Reference Guide
which can be obtained from Schneider at

This code has its origins with (
who wrote a small program to read 100 registers from a modbus slave.

I have used his code as a catalist to produce this more functional set
of functions. Thanks paul.

* configure_mb_slave(baud, parity, tx_en_pin)
* sets the communication parameters for of the serial line.
* baud: baudrate in bps (typical values 9600, 19200... 115200)
* parity: a single character sets the parity mode (character frame format):
* 'n' no parity (8N1); 'e' even parity (8E1), 'o' for odd parity (8O1).
* tx_en_pin: arduino pin number that controls transmision/reception
* of an external half-duplex device (e.g. a RS485 interface chip).
* 0 or 1 disables this function (for a two-device network)
* >2 for point-to-multipoint topology (e.g. several arduinos)
void configure_mb_slave(long baud, char parity, char txenpin);

* update_mb_slave(slave_id, holding_regs_array, number_of_regs)
* checks if there is any valid request from the modbus master. If there is,
* performs the action requested
* slave: slave id (1 to 127)
* regs: an array with the holding registers. They start at address 1 (master point of view)
* regs_size: total number of holding registers.
* returns: 0 if no request from master,
* NO_REPLY (-1) if no reply is sent to the master
* an exception code (1 to 4) in case of a modbus exceptions
* the number of bytes sent as reply ( > 4) if OK.

int update_mb_slave(unsigned char slave, int *regs,
unsigned int regs_size);

/* Modbus RTU common parameters, the Master MUST use the same parameters */
enum {
COMM=BPS = 9600,
MB_SLAVE = 1, /* modbus slave id */
/* slave registers example */
enum {
MB_REGS /* total number of registers on slave */

int regs[MB_REGS]; /* this is the slave's modbus data map */

void setup()
/* Modbus setup example, the master must use the same COM parameters */
/* 1600 bps, 8N1, two-device network */
configure_mb_slave(1600, 'n', 0);
emon1.current(1, 111.1); // Current: input pin, calibration.

void loop()

/* This is all for the Modbus slave */
double Irms = emon1.calcIrms(1480); // Calculate Irms only

/* your code goes here */
Serial.print(Irms*230.0); // Apparent power
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.println(Irms); // Irms

/* your code goes here */


/* global variables */
unsigned int Txenpin = 0; /* Enable transmission pin, used on RS485 networks */

/* enum of supported modbus function codes. If you implement a new one, put its function code here ! */
enum {
FC_READ_REGS = 0x03, //Read contiguous block of holding register
FC_WRITE_REG = 0x06, //Write single holding register
FC_WRITE_REGS = 0x10 //Write block of contiguous registers

/* supported functions. If you implement a new one, put its function code into this array! */
const unsigned char fsupported[] = { FC_READ_REGS, FC_WRITE_REG, FC_WRITE_REGS };

/* constants */
enum {

enum {

/* exceptions code */
enum {
NO_REPLY = -1,

/* positions inside the query/response array */
enum {
SLAVE = 0,


buf -> Array containing message to be sent to controller.
start -> Start of loop in crc counter, usually 0.
cnt -> Amount of bytes in message being sent to controller/
temp -> Returns crc byte for message.
This routine calculates the crc high and low byte of a message.
Note that this crc is only used for Modbus, not Modbus+ etc.

unsigned int crc(unsigned char *buf, unsigned char start,
unsigned char cnt)
unsigned char i, j;
unsigned temp, temp2, flag;

temp = 0xFFFF;

for (i = start; i < cnt; i++) {
temp = temp ^ buf[i];

for (j = 1; j <= 8; j++) {
flag = temp & 0x0001;
temp = temp >> 1;
if (flag)
temp = temp ^ 0xA001;

/* Reverse byte order. */
temp2 = temp >> 8;
temp = (temp 8) | temp2;
temp &= 0xFFFF;

return (temp);

* The following functions construct the required query into
* a modbus query packet.

* Start of the packet of a read_holding_register response
void build_read_packet(unsigned char slave, unsigned char function,
unsigned char count, unsigned char *packet)
packet[SLAVE] = slave;
packet[FUNC] = function;
packet[2] = count * 2;

* Start of the packet of a preset_multiple_register response
void build_write_packet(unsigned char slave, unsigned char function,
unsigned int start_addr,
unsigned char count,
unsigned char *packet)
packet[SLAVE] = slave;
packet[FUNC] = function;
packet[START_H] = start_addr >> 8;
packet[START_L] = start_addr & 0x00ff;
packet[REGS_H] = 0x00;
packet[REGS_L] = count;

* Start of the packet of a write_single_register response
void build_write_single_packet(unsigned char slave, unsigned char function,
unsigned int write_addr, unsigned int reg_val, unsigned char* packet)
packet[SLAVE] = slave;
packet[FUNC] = function;
packet[START_H] = write_addr >> 8;
packet[START_L] = write_addr & 0x00ff;
packet[REGS_H] = reg_val >> 8;
packet[REGS_L] = reg_val & 0x00ff;

* Start of the packet of an exception response
void build_error_packet(unsigned char slave, unsigned char function,
unsigned char exception, unsigned char *packet)
packet[SLAVE] = slave;
packet[FUNC] = function + 0x80;
packet[2] = exception;

* modbus_query( packet, length)
* Function to add a checksum to the end of a packet.
* Please note that the packet array must be at least 2 fields longer than
* string_length.

void modbus_reply(unsigned char *packet, unsigned char string_length)
int temp_crc;

temp_crc = crc(packet, 0, string_length);
packet[string_length] = temp_crc >> 8;
packet[string_length] = temp_crc & 0x00FF;

* send_reply( query_string, query_length )
* Function to send a reply to a modbus master.
* Returns: total number of characters sent

int send_reply(unsigned char *query, unsigned char string_length)
unsigned char i;

if (Txenpin > 1) { // set MAX485 to speak mode
digitalWrite( Txenpin, HIGH);

modbus_reply(query, string_length);
string_length += 2;

for (i = 0; i < string_length; i++) {
Serial.print(query[i], BYTE);

if (Txenpin > 1) {// set MAX485 to listen mode
while (!(UCSR0A & (1 TXC0)));
digitalWrite( Txenpin, LOW);

return i; /* it does not mean that the write was succesful, though */

* receive_request( array_for_data )
* Function to monitor for a request from the modbus master.
* Returns: Total number of characters received if OK
* 0 if there is no request
* A negative error code on failure

int receive_request(unsigned char *received_string)
int bytes_received = 0;

/* FIXME: does Serial.available wait 1.5T or 3.5T before exiting the loop? */
while (Serial.available()) {
received_string[bytes_received] =;
if (bytes_received >= MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH)
return NO_REPLY; /* port error */

return (bytes_received);

* modbus_request(slave_id, request_data_array)
* Function to the correct request is returned and that the checksum
* is correct.
* Returns: string_length if OK
* 0 if failed
* Less than 0 for exception errors
* Note: All functions used for sending or receiving data via
* modbus return these return values.

int modbus_request(unsigned char slave, unsigned char *data)
int response_length;
unsigned int crc_calc = 0;
unsigned int crc_received = 0;
unsigned char recv_crc_hi;
unsigned char recv_crc_lo;

response_length = receive_request(data);

if (response_length > 0) {
crc_calc = crc(data, 0, response_length - 2);
recv_crc_hi = (unsigned) data[response_length - 2];
recv_crc_lo = (unsigned) data[response_length - 1];
crc_received = data[response_length - 2];
crc_received = (unsigned) crc_received 8;
crc_received =
crc_received | (unsigned) data[response_length - 1];

/*********** check CRC of response ************/
if (crc_calc != crc_received) {
return NO_REPLY;

/* check for slave id */
if (slave != data[SLAVE]) {
return NO_REPLY;
return (response_length);

* validate_request(request_data_array, request_length, available_regs)
* Function to check that the request can be processed by the slave.
* Returns: 0 if OK
* A negative exception code on error

int validate_request(unsigned char *data, unsigned char length,
unsigned int regs_size)
int i, fcnt = 0;
unsigned int regs_num = 0;
unsigned int start_addr = 0;
unsigned char max_regs_num;

/* check function code */
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(fsupported); i++) {
if (fsupported[i] == data[FUNC]) {
fcnt = 1;
if (0 == fcnt)

if (FC_WRITE_REG == data[FUNC]) {
/* For function write single reg, this is the target reg.*/
regs_num = ((int) data[START_H] 8) + (int) data[START_L];
if (regs_num >= regs_size)
return 0;

/* For functions read/write regs, this is the range. */
regs_num = ((int) data[REGS_H] 8) + (int) data[REGS_L];

/* check quantity of registers */
if (FC_READ_REGS == data[FUNC])
max_regs_num = MAX_READ_REGS;
else if (FC_WRITE_REGS == data[FUNC])
max_regs_num = MAX_WRITE_REGS;

if ((regs_num < 1) || (regs_num > max_regs_num))

/* check registers range, start address is 0 */
start_addr = ((int) data[START_H] 8) + (int) data[START_L];
if ((start_addr + regs_num) > regs_size)

return 0; /* OK, no exception */

* write_regs(first_register, data_array, registers_array)
* writes into the slave's holding registers the data in query,
* starting at start_addr.
* Returns: the number of registers written

int write_regs(unsigned int start_addr, unsigned char *query, int *regs)
int temp;
unsigned int i;

for (i = 0; i < query[REGS_L]; i++) {
/* shift reg hi_byte to temp */
temp = (int) query[(BYTE_CNT + 1) + i * 2] 8;
/* OR with lo_byte */
temp = temp | (int) query[(BYTE_CNT + 2) + i * 2];

regs[start_addr + i] = temp;
return i;

* preset_multiple_registers(slave_id, first_register, number_of_registers,
* data_array, registers_array)
* Write the data from an array into the holding registers of the slave.

int preset_multiple_registers(unsigned char slave,
unsigned int start_addr,
unsigned char count,
unsigned char *query,
int *regs)
unsigned char function = FC_WRITE_REGS; /* Preset Multiple Registers */
int status = 0;
unsigned char packet[RESPONSE_SIZE + CHECKSUM_SIZE];

build_write_packet(slave, function, start_addr, count, packet);

if (write_regs(start_addr, query, regs)) {
status = send_reply(packet, RESPONSE_SIZE);

return (status);

* write_single_register(slave_id, write_addr, data_array, registers_array)
* Write a single int val into a single holding register of the slave.

int write_single_register(unsigned char slave,
unsigned int write_addr, unsigned char *query, int *regs)
unsigned char function = FC_WRITE_REG; /* Function: Write Single Register */
int status = 0;
unsigned int reg_val;
unsigned char packet[RESPONSE_SIZE + CHECKSUM_SIZE];

reg_val = query[REGS_H] 8 | query[REGS_L];
build_write_single_packet(slave, function, write_addr, reg_val, packet);
regs[write_addr] = (int) reg_val;
status = send_reply(packet, RESPONSE_SIZE);

return (status);

* read_holding_registers(slave_id, first_register, number_of_registers,
* registers_array)
* reads the slave's holdings registers and sends them to the Modbus master

int read_holding_registers(unsigned char slave, unsigned int start_addr,

unsigned char reg_count, int *regs)
unsigned char function = 0x03; /* Function 03: Read Holding Registers */
int packet_size = 3;
int status;
unsigned int i;
unsigned char packet[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];

build_read_packet(slave, function, reg_count, packet);

for (i = start_addr; i < (start_addr + (unsigned int) reg_count);
i++) {
packet[packet_size] = regs[i] >> 8;
packet[packet_size] = regs[i] & 0x00FF;

status = send_reply(packet, packet_size);

return (status);

void configure_mb_slave(long baud, char parity, char txenpin)

switch (parity) {
case 'e': // 8E1
UCSR0C |= ((1UPM01) | (1UCSZ01) | (1UCSZ00));
// UCSR0C &= ~((1UPM00) | (1UCSZ02) | (1USBS0));
case 'o': // 8O1
UCSR0C |= ((1UPM01) | (1UPM00) | (1UCSZ01) | (1UCSZ00));
// UCSR0C &= ~((1UCSZ02) | (1USBS0));
case 'n': // 8N1
UCSR0C |= ((1UCSZ01) | (1UCSZ00));
// UCSR0C &= ~((1UPM01) | (1UPM00) | (1UCSZ02) | (1USBS0));

if (txenpin > 1) { // pin 0 & pin 1 are reserved for RX/TX
Txenpin = txenpin; /* set global variable */
pinMode(Txenpin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(Txenpin, LOW);


* update_mb_slave(slave_id, holding_regs_array, number_of_regs)
* checks if there is any valid request from the modbus master. If there is,
* performs the action requested

unsigned long Nowdt = 0;
unsigned int lastBytesReceived;
const unsigned long T35 = 5;

int update_mb_slave(unsigned char slave, int *regs,
unsigned int regs_size)
unsigned char query[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
unsigned char errpacket[EXCEPTION_SIZE + CHECKSUM_SIZE];
unsigned int start_addr;
int exception;
int length = Serial.available();
unsigned long now = millis();

if (length == 0) {
lastBytesReceived = 0;
return 0;

if (lastBytesReceived != length) {
lastBytesReceived = length;
Nowdt = now + T35;
return 0;
if (now < Nowdt)
return 0;

lastBytesReceived = 0;

length = modbus_request(slave, query);
if (length < 1)
return length;

exception = validate_request(query, length, regs_size);
if (exception) {
build_error_packet(slave, query[FUNC], exception,
send_reply(errpacket, EXCEPTION_SIZE);
return (exception);

start_addr = ((int) query[START_H] 8) +
(int) query[START_L];
switch (query[FUNC]) {
return read_holding_registers(slave,
return preset_multiple_registers(slave,


Teste esse sketch.

O programa lê o sensor no pino A1 do arduino e salva o valor no Register MB_A0.




Segue o arquivo exemplo do Apêndice IV do Manual do Usuário do KIT RS485 vendido na loja do Lab de Garagem. O sketch é para o arduino Modbus slave.

O manual pode ser baixado no seguinte link:

manual KIT RS485

O arquivo não necessita a inclusão de nenhuma library.

Abraço a todos.


Muito obrigado já estou obtendo resultados no ScadaBr.

Agora só esta faltado configura para quando o valor da corrente chegar a 0 enviar um email agradeço muito pelas orientações e material.



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