Olá estou fazendo um controle de um motor, onde ele reconhece pulsos e aciona a partida e atinge a velocidade conforme está setado o valor do potenciômetro.

O grande problema é que só consegui fazer com que ele pare de 50 ms sem gerar pulsos e gostaria de fazer que ele também pare se os pulsos em um determinado tempo reduzam , ou o tempo entre pulsos aumente em 10% , por exemplo , em um determinado tempo. Podem me ajudar?

//Hardware constants
const int PASPin = 2; // entrada do PAS
const int ledPin = 13, PWMOut=11; // o pino que o LED esta conectado e o pino de saida PWM

const int PinoPotenciometro = A0;
int ValorPot = 0;
int pwm1 = 0;

//Software constants
const unsigned long activityTimeoutMS = 50; // Allowed PAS signal inactivity time before turning off
const int startPulses = 8; // Number of PAS pulses needed before turning on
const int lowPWMValue = 0; // PWM values to drive throttle input, default 56 (1,1 V) and 170 (3,4 V), U=n/255*5V, n=U/5V*255

int highPWMValue =0;

// Variables
volatile int inputEdges = 0; // counter for the number of pulses since last reset
volatile unsigned long lastEdgeTime = 0; // timestamp of last PAS pulse
bool state=false; // variable holding information about the state of the output

void setup() {
pinMode(PASPin, INPUT); // initialize the PAS pin as a input
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(PASPin), pulse, RISING); //Each rising edge on PAS pin causes an interrupt
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); // initialize the LED as an output
pinMode(PWMOut, OUTPUT); // initialize the PWM pin as an output

void loop() {

ValorPot = analogRead(PinoPotenciometro);
pwm1 = map(ValorPot, 0, 1023, 0, 255);

//If PAS signal is inactive for too long, turn off everything
unsigned long curTime=millis();
if ((curTime>lastEdgeTime)&&((curTime-lastEdgeTime)>activityTimeoutMS)) {

//If system is off, check if the impulses are active
if ((!state)&&((millis()-lastEdgeTime)<activityTimeoutMS)) {
//if impulses are active, check if there were enough pulses to turn on
if (inputEdges>startPulses) {

//Use LED for status info
digitalWrite(ledPin, state);

//Turn off output, reset pulse counter and set state variable to false
void turnOff() {
analogWrite(PWMOut,0 );

//Turn on output and set state variable to true
void turnOn() {
analogWrite(PWMOut, pwm1);


//Interrupt subroutine, refresh last impulse timestamp and increment pulse counter (until 10000 is reached)
void pulse() {
if (inputEdges<100) {

Exibições: 96

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