
Estou trabalhando em um projeto que será necessário utilizar um acelerômetro de 3 eixos, para isso estou usando o MMA8452Q com o Arduino Mega ADK.

A ligação esta da seguinte forma:

MMA8452Q ------------ Arduino
3.3V --------------------- 3.3V
SDA ----------------------- SDA 20
SCL ----------------------- SCL 21
INT2 ---------------------- D3
INT1 ---------------------- D2
GND ---------------------- GND

No entanto, quando Abro a interface Serial vejo:

Could not connect to MMA8452Q: 0xFF

Alguma idéia do que pode estar errado?

Estou usando o código: 

#include <Wire.h>

#define SA0 1
#if SA0
#define MMA8452_ADDRESS 0x1D
#define MMA8452_ADDRESS 0x1C

/* Set the scale below either 2, 4 or 8*/
const byte SCALE = 2; // Sets full-scale range to +/-2, 4, or 8g. Used to calc real g values.
/* Set the output data rate below. Value should be between 0 and 7*/
const byte dataRate = 0; // 0=800Hz, 1=400, 2=200, 3=100, 4=50, 5=12.5, 6=6.25, 7=1.56

/* Pin definitions */
int int1Pin = 2; // These can be changed, 2 and 3 are the Arduinos ext int pins
int int2Pin = 3;

int accelCount[3]; // Stores the 12-bit signed value
float accelG[3]; // Stores the real accel value in g's

void setup()
Wire.begin(); // join i2c bus (address optional for master)

byte c;


/* Set up the interrupt pins, they're set as active high, push-pull */
pinMode(int1Pin, INPUT);
digitalWrite(int1Pin, LOW);
pinMode(int2Pin, INPUT);
digitalWrite(int2Pin, LOW);

/* Read the WHO_AM_I register, this is a good test of communication */
c = readRegister(0x0D); // Read WHO_AM_I register
if (c == 0x2A) // WHO_AM_I should always be 0x2A
initMMA8452(SCALE, dataRate); // init the accelerometer if communication is OK
Serial.println("MMA8452Q is online...");
Serial.print("Could not connect to MMA8452Q: 0x");
Serial.println(c, HEX);
while (1) // Loop forever if communication doesn't happen

byte val = 0;

void loop()
static byte source;

/* If int1 goes high, all data registers have new data */
if (digitalRead(int1Pin)==1) // Interrupt pin, should probably attach to interrupt function
readAccelData(accelCount); // Read the x/y/z adc values

/* Below we'll print out the ADC values for acceleration
for (int i=0; i<3; i++)

/* Now we'll calculate the accleration value into actual g's */
for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
accelG[i] = (float) accelCount[i]/((112)/(2*SCALE)); // get actual g value, this depends on scale being set
/* print out values */
for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
Serial.print(accelG[i], 4); // Print g values
Serial.print("\t\t"); // tabs in between axes

/* If int2 goes high, either p/l has changed or there's been a single/double tap */
if (digitalRead(int2Pin)==1)
source = readRegister(0x0C); // Read the interrupt source reg.
if ((source & 0x10)==0x10) // If the p/l bit is set, go check those registers
else if ((source & 0x08)==0x08) // Otherwise, if tap register is set go check that


void readAccelData(int * destination)
byte rawData[6]; // x/y/z accel register data stored here

readRegisters(0x01, 6, &rawData[0]); // Read the six raw data registers into data array

/* loop to calculate 12-bit ADC and g value for each axis */
for (int i=0; i<6; i+=2)
destination[i/2] = ((rawData[i] 8) | rawData[i+1]) >> 4; // Turn the MSB and LSB into a 12-bit value
if (rawData[i] > 0x7F)
{ // If the number is negative, we have to make it so manually (no 12-bit data type)
destination[i/2] = ~destination[i/2] + 1;
destination[i/2] *= -1; // Transform into negative 2's complement #

/* This function will read the status of the tap source register.
And print if there's been a single or double tap, and on what
axis. */
void tapHandler()
byte source = readRegister(0x22); // Reads the PULSE_SRC register

if ((source & 0x10)==0x10) // If AxX bit is set
if ((source & 0x08)==0x08) // If DPE (double puls) bit is set
Serial.print(" Double Tap (2) on X"); // tabbing here for visibility
Serial.print("Single (1) tap on X");

if ((source & 0x01)==0x01) // If PoIX is set
Serial.println(" +");
Serial.println(" -");
if ((source & 0x20)==0x20) // If AxY bit is set
if ((source & 0x08)==0x08) // If DPE (double puls) bit is set
Serial.print(" Double Tap (2) on Y");
Serial.print("Single (1) tap on Y");

if ((source & 0x02)==0x02) // If PoIY is set
Serial.println(" +");
Serial.println(" -");
if ((source & 0x40)==0x40) // If AxZ bit is set
if ((source & 0x08)==0x08) // If DPE (double puls) bit is set
Serial.print(" Double Tap (2) on Z");
Serial.print("Single (1) tap on Z");
if ((source & 0x04)==0x04) // If PoIZ is set
Serial.println(" +");
Serial.println(" -");

/* This function will read the p/l source register and
print what direction the sensor is now facing */
void portraitLandscapeHandler()
byte pl = readRegister(0x10); // Reads the PL_STATUS register
switch((pl&0x06)>>1) // Check on the LAPO[1:0] bits
case 0:
Serial.print("Portrait up, ");
case 1:
Serial.print("Portrait Down, ");
case 2:
Serial.print("Landscape Right, ");
case 3:
Serial.print("Landscape Left, ");
if (pl&0x01) // Check the BAFRO bit
if (pl&0x40) // Check the LO bit
Serial.print(", Z-tilt!");

/* Initialize the MMA8452 registers
See the many application notes for more info on setting
all of these registers:

Feel free to modify any values, these are settings that work well for me.
void initMMA8452(byte fsr, byte dataRate)
MMA8452Standby(); // Must be in standby to change registers

/* Set up the full scale range to 2, 4, or 8g. */
if ((fsr==2)||(fsr==4)||(fsr==8))
writeRegister(0x0E, fsr >> 2);
writeRegister(0x0E, 0);

/* Setup the 3 data rate bits, from 0 to 7 */
writeRegister(0x2A, readRegister(0x2A) & ~(0x38));
if (dataRate <= 7)
writeRegister(0x2A, readRegister(0x2A) | (dataRate 3));

/* Set up portrait/landscap registers - 4 steps:
1. Enable P/L
2. Set the back/front angle trigger points (z-lock)
3. Set the threshold/hysteresis angle
4. Set the debouce rate
// For more info check out this app note: */
writeRegister(0x11, 0x40); // 1. Enable P/L
writeRegister(0x13, 0x44); // 2. 29deg z-lock (don't think this register is actually writable)
writeRegister(0x14, 0x84); // 3. 45deg thresh, 14deg hyst (don't think this register is writable either)
writeRegister(0x12, 0x50); // 4. debounce counter at 100ms (at 800 hz)

/* Set up single and double tap - 5 steps:
1. Set up single and/or double tap detection on each axis individually.
2. Set the threshold - minimum required acceleration to cause a tap.
3. Set the time limit - the maximum time that a tap can be above the threshold
4. Set the pulse latency - the minimum required time between one pulse and the next
5. Set the second pulse window - maximum allowed time between end of latency and start of second pulse
for more info check out this app note: */
writeRegister(0x21, 0x7F); // 1. enable single/double taps on all axes
// writeRegister(0x21, 0x55); // 1. single taps only on all axes
// writeRegister(0x21, 0x6A); // 1. double taps only on all axes
writeRegister(0x23, 0x20); // 2. x thresh at 2g, multiply the value by 0.0625g/LSB to get the threshold
writeRegister(0x24, 0x20); // 2. y thresh at 2g, multiply the value by 0.0625g/LSB to get the threshold
writeRegister(0x25, 0x08); // 2. z thresh at .5g, multiply the value by 0.0625g/LSB to get the threshold
writeRegister(0x26, 0x30); // 3. 30ms time limit at 800Hz odr, this is very dependent on data rate, see the app note
writeRegister(0x27, 0xA0); // 4. 200ms (at 800Hz odr) between taps min, this also depends on the data rate
writeRegister(0x28, 0xFF); // 5. 318ms (max value) between taps max

/* Set up interrupt 1 and 2 */
writeRegister(0x2C, 0x02); // Active high, push-pull interrupts
writeRegister(0x2D, 0x19); // DRDY, P/L and tap ints enabled
writeRegister(0x2E, 0x01); // DRDY on INT1, P/L and taps on INT2

MMA8452Active(); // Set to active to start reading

/* Sets the MMA8452 to standby mode.
It must be in standby to change most register settings */
void MMA8452Standby()
byte c = readRegister(0x2A);
writeRegister(0x2A, c & ~(0x01));

/* Sets the MMA8452 to active mode.
Needs to be in this mode to output data */
void MMA8452Active()
byte c = readRegister(0x2A);
writeRegister(0x2A, c | 0x01);

/* Read i registers sequentially, starting at address
into the dest byte arra */
void readRegisters(byte address, int i, byte * dest)
Wire.beginTransmission(MMA8452_ADDRESS); // Open communications with device

Wire.write(address); // write register address
Wire.endTransmission(false); // don't send a stop

Wire.requestFrom(MMA8452_ADDRESS, i);

int j = 0;
while(Wire.available()) // slave may send less than requested
dest[j] =; // receive a byte as character
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting

/* read a single byte from address and return it as a byte */
byte readRegister(uint8_t address)
byte data;

// From MMA8452Q Datasheet, Table 10. I2C Device Address Sequence
// Command [6:1]Device Address [0]SA0 [6:0]Device Address R/W 8-bit Final Value
// Read 001110 0 0x1C 1 0x39
// Write 001110 0 0x1C 0 0x38
// Read 001110 1 0x1D 1 0x3B
// Write 001110 1 0x1D 0 0x3A

Wire.beginTransmission(MMA8452_ADDRESS); // Open communications with device

Wire.write(address); // write register address
Wire.endTransmission(false); // don't send a stop

Wire.requestFrom(MMA8452_ADDRESS, 1);

data =; // Get MSB result
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting

return data;

/* Writes a single byte (data) into address */
void writeRegister(unsigned char address, unsigned char data)
Wire.beginTransmission(MMA8452_ADDRESS); // Open communications with device
Wire.write(address); // write register address
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting

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