Olá pessoal!


 Tenho um código para acionamento de lâmpadas pelo arduino, o código funciona perfeitamente, sem problema.

 Gostaria de acrescentar a esse código um botão de pulso, tipo para abrir o portão, alguém sabe como posso fazer?


Exibições: 264

Responder esta

Respostas a este tópico

    1) Adicione ao seu código a variável global referente ao botão e a porta em que este está conectado:


            const int botao = 8;   //Botão fisicamente ligado a porta digital 8.

    2) No setup, defina as propriedades do seu botão:


            pinMode(botao,INPUT);   //O botão será uma entrada para o sistema

   3) No seu programa (loop), faça as leituras e as ações conforme desejar




                     //código para acionar o portão



Olá João Vitor,

 Muito obrigado pela sua resposta, pode ser até simples adicionar os códigos que você passou, mas, infelizmente não tenho conhecimento para isso, até tentei rsrs, mas, não obtive um resultado favorável.  

 Não querendo ser abusivo, mas se eu colocar o código aqui, você poderia dar uma verificada pra mim?

 Eu uso um Arduino Mega, o código funciona direitinho, no inicio tive alguns problemas mas, consegui acertar.




Boa noite.. RC mais e tão simples seu código que vc msm consegui fazer isso.. o nosso amigo JV ja colocou ai em cima e só segui as instruções .. so pra fixa mais so fazer isso..

const int botao = 8;  //Botão fisicamente ligado a porta digital 8

int rele = 3;      // pino onde esta o rele

void setup(){




void loop(){








Boa noite José,

 Eu não tenho um botão ligado fisicamente a placa, todos acionamentos que eu faço é pelo celular.

 Tem um arquivo anexado automação.png que vai te mostrar os acionamentos.



hum entendi.. pois anexa seu código pra me ve ele..

abaixo o código, obrigado pela atenção!


#include <Ethernet.h>

#include <SPI.h>

#include <EEPROM.h>


//IP manual settings

byte ip[] = {192, 168, 15, 150 }; //AQUI VC COLOCA SEU IP

byte gateway[] = {192, 168, 15, 1 }; //AQUI VC COLOCA SEU IP

byte subnet[] = {255, 255, 255, 0 }; //AQUI VC COLOCA SEU IP

byte mac[] = {0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED };

//Ethernet Port

EthernetServer server = EthernetServer(80); //default html port 80

//O número de saídas vai ser comutado.

int outputQuantity = 19; //não deve exceder 19

//Inverta a saída dos leds

boolean outputInverted = true; //true or false

// Isso é feito no caso a placa de relé acionar o relé em negativo, ao invés de positivo
//Html page refresh

int refreshPage = 40; //default is 50sec.

//Tenha em atenção que, se conseguir que a atualização seja muito rápida, a página pode ficar inacessível

//Exibir ou ocultar os botões "Ativar todos os pinos" na parte inferior da página

int switchOnAllPinsButton = true; //true or false

int outputAddress[19] = {22,24,26,28,30,32,34,36,38,40,42,44,46,48,49,47,43,41,45}; //Nenhum cliente por mais de um minuto - Escrevendo status para Eprom 22,24,26,28,30,32,34,36,38,40,42,44,46,48,49,47,43,41,45

String buttonText[19] = {


// Defina a saída para manter o último status após a falta de energia.

int retainOutputStatus[19] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};//1-reter o último status. 0-será desligado após o corte de energia.




int outp = 0;

boolean printLastCommandOnce = false;

boolean printButtonMenuOnce = false;

boolean initialPrint = true;

String allOn = "";

String allOff = "";

boolean reading = false;

boolean outputStatus[19]; //Crie uma matriz booleana para a quantidade máxima.

String rev = "";

unsigned long timeConnectedAt;

boolean writeToEeprom = false;


// Leitura Relacionada à Temperatura

const int tempInPin = A1;

int tempInValue = 0; //leitura de temperatura

int tempScaleOutValue = 0; //temperatura formatada

int tempOutValue = 0; //temperatura formatada

float tempOutDeg = 0.0;




//Beginning of Program //Sensor de presença

int pinoled1 = 8; //Pino ligado ao led vermelho
int pinoled2 = 9; //Pino ligado ao led amarelo
int pinoled3 = 19; //Pino ligado ao led verde
int pinoled4 = 10; //Pino ligado ao led azul

int pinopir1 = 2; //Pino ligado ao sensor PIR
int pinopir2 = 3; //Pino ligado ao sensor PIR
int pinopir3 = 4; //Pino ligado ao sensor PIR
int pinopir4 = 5; //Pino ligado ao sensor PIR
int acionamento; //Variavel para guardar valor do sensor

void setup(){




//Set pins as Outputs

boolean currentState = false;

int var;

for (int i = 0; i < outputQuantity; i++){

pinMode(pinoled1, OUTPUT); //Define pino como saida
pinMode(pinopir1, INPUT); //Define pino sensor como entrada

pinMode(pinoled2, OUTPUT); //Define pino como saida
pinMode(pinopir2, INPUT); //Define pino sensor como entrada

pinMode(pinoled3, OUTPUT); //Define pino como saida
pinMode(pinopir3, INPUT); //Define pino sensor como entrada

pinMode(pinoled4, OUTPUT); //Define pino como saida
pinMode(pinopir4, INPUT); //Define pino sensor como entrada

pinMode(outputAddress[i], OUTPUT);

var = outputAddress[i];

//Aciona todas as saídas para ligado ou desligado na inicialização (true ou false)

if(outputInverted == false) {

//digitalWrite(outputAddress[var], LOW);

if(outputStatus[i] == 0){currentState = true;}else{currentState = false;} //verifique o status da saída se desligado, comute a saída em conformidade
digitalWrite(var, currentState);



//digitalWrite(outputAddress[var], LOW);

if(outputStatus[i] == 0){currentState = false;}else{currentState = true;} //verifique o status da saída se desligado, comute a saída em conformidade

digitalWrite(var, currentState);



//Setting up the IP address. Comment out the one you dont need.

//Ethernet.begin(mac); //for DHCP address. (Address will be printed to serial.)

Ethernet.begin(mac, ip, gateway, subnet); //for manual setup. (Address is the one configured above.)


Serial.print("Server started at ");






//Run once

void loop(){

acionamento = digitalRead(pinopir1); //Le o valor do sensor PIR
if (acionamento == LOW) //Sem movimento, mantem led azul ligado
digitalWrite(pinoled1, LOW);
else //Caso seja detectado um movimento, aciona o led vermelho
digitalWrite(pinoled1, HIGH);

acionamento = digitalRead(pinopir2); //Le o valor do sensor PIR
if (acionamento == LOW) //Sem movimento, mantem led azul ligado
digitalWrite(pinoled2, LOW);
else //Caso seja detectado um movimento, aciona o led vermelho
digitalWrite(pinoled2, HIGH);

acionamento = digitalRead(pinopir3); //Le o valor do sensor PIR
if (acionamento == LOW) //Sem movimento, mantem led azul ligado
digitalWrite(pinoled3, LOW);
else //Caso seja detectado um movimento, aciona o led vermelho
digitalWrite(pinoled3, HIGH);

acionamento = digitalRead(pinopir4); //Le o valor do sensor PIR
if (acionamento == LOW) //Sem movimento, mantem led azul ligado
digitalWrite(pinoled4, LOW);
else //Caso seja detectado um movimento, aciona o led azul
digitalWrite(pinoled4, HIGH);

//Read Temperature Sensor

tempInValue = analogRead(tempInPin);

// Connecting a 10K3 Thermistor to the Arduino Input

// +5V �—————————[10Kohms]—————————[Thermistor]——� 0V

// To Arduino IP �———————————|

tempScaleOutValue = map(tempInValue, 0, 1023, 1023, 0); //Arduino value and NTC of the 10K3 Thermistor

tempOutValue = map(tempScaleOutValue, 130, 870, -170, 730); //range of Arduino Value compared with Temperature

tempOutValue = tempOutValue -45; //Adjustments

tempOutDeg = tempOutValue / 10.0;




//checkForClient Function



void checkForClient(){

EthernetClient client = server.available();

if (client) {

boolean currentLineIsBlank = true;

boolean sentHeader = false;

int temp,temp1;

while (client.connected()) {

if (client.available()) {

char c = client.read();

if(c == '*'){

printHtmlHeader(client); //call for html header and css






printHtmlHeader(client); //call for html header and css

printHtmlButtonTitle(client); //print the button title

sentHeader = true;


if(reading && c == ' '){

reading = false;


if(c == '?') {

reading = true; //found the ?, begin reading the info



//if user input is H set output to 1

if(c == 'H') {

outp = 1;


if(c == 'L') {

outp = 0;


// Serial.println(c); //print the value of c to serial communication


// ? H 1 0

// ^ ^ ^ ^

// | | | |____________read 4 ( 10,11,12,13....)

// | | |______________read 3 ( 1....9)

// | |________________read 2 if user input is H set output to L

// |__________________read 1


if( c == '1'){

char c = client.read();

switch (c) {

case '0':

triggerPin(outputAddress[10], client, outp);


case '1':

triggerPin(outputAddress[11], client, outp);


case '2':

triggerPin(outputAddress[12], client, outp);


case '3':

triggerPin(outputAddress[13], client, outp);


case '4':

triggerPin(outputAddress[14], client, outp);


case '5':

triggerPin(outputAddress[15], client, outp);


case '6':

triggerPin(outputAddress[16], client, outp);


case '7':

triggerPin(outputAddress[17], client, outp);


case '8':

triggerPin(outputAddress[18], client, outp);


case '9':

triggerPin(outputAddress[19], client, outp);



char c = client.read();

triggerPin(outputAddress[1], client, outp);



else {

switch (c) {

case '0':

triggerPin(outputAddress[0], client, outp);


//case '1':

//triggerPin(outputAddress[1], client, outp);


case '2':

triggerPin(outputAddress[2], client, outp);


case '3':

//add code here to trigger on 3

triggerPin(outputAddress[3], client, outp);


case '4':

//add code here to trigger on 4

triggerPin(outputAddress[4], client, outp);


case '5':

//add code here to trigger on 5

triggerPin(outputAddress[5], client, outp);



case '6':

//add code here to trigger on 6

triggerPin(outputAddress[6], client, outp);


case '7':

//add code here to trigger on 7

triggerPin(outputAddress[7], client, outp);


case '8':

//add code here to trigger on 8

triggerPin(outputAddress[8], client, outp);


case '9':

//add code here to trigger on 9

triggerPin(outputAddress[9], client, outp);


} //end of switch case


}//end of switch switch the relevant output

//if user input was blank

if (c == '\n' && currentLineIsBlank){

printLastCommandOnce = true;

printButtonMenuOnce = true;

triggerPin(777, client, outp); //Call to read input and print menu. 777 is used not to update any outputs





printHtmlFooter(client); //Prints the html footer



if (millis() > (timeConnectedAt + 60000)){

if (writeToEeprom == true){

writeEepromValues(); //write to EEprom the current output statuses

Serial.println("No Clients for more then a minute - Writing statuses to Eeprom.");

writeToEeprom = false;




}// END


//triggerPin Function



void triggerPin(int pin, EthernetClient client, int outp){

if (pin != 777){

// Serial.println(pin);

if(outp == 1) {

if (outputInverted ==false){

digitalWrite(pin, HIGH);



digitalWrite(pin, LOW);



if(outp == 0){

if (outputInverted ==false){

digitalWrite(pin, LOW);



digitalWrite(pin, HIGH);




//Refresh the reading of outputs


//Prints the buttons

if (printButtonMenuOnce == true){


printButtonMenuOnce = false;




//printHtmlButtons Function


//print the html buttons to switch on/off channels

void printHtmlButtons(EthernetClient client){

//Start to create the html table




client.println("<table border=\"0\" align=\"center\">");

//Printing the Temperature









client.print(" °C</h3></td>\n");



//Start printing button by button

for (int var = 0; var < outputQuantity; var++) {

//set command for all on/off

allOn += "H";

allOn += outputAddress[var];

allOff += "L";

allOff += outputAddress[var];

//Print begining of row


//Prints the button Text




//Prints the ON Buttons+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


client.print("<INPUT TYPE=\"button\" VALUE=\"ON ");

client.print("\" onClick=\"parent.location='/?H");



//Prints the OFF Buttons ---------------------------------------------

client.print(" <td><INPUT TYPE=\"button\" VALUE=\"OFF");

client.print("\" onClick=\"parent.location='/?L");



//Invert the LED display if output is inverted.

if (outputStatus[var] == true ){ //If Output is ON

if (outputInverted == false){ //and if output is not inverted

client.print(" <td><div class='green-circle'><div class='glare'></div></div></td>\n"); //Print html for ON LED


else{ //else output is inverted then

client.print(" <td><div class='black-circle'><div class='glare'></div></div></td>\n"); //Print html for OFF LED



else //If Output is Off


if (outputInverted == false){ //and if output is not inverted

client.print(" <td><div class='black-circle'><div class='glare'></div></div></td>\n"); //Print html for OFF LED


else{ //else output is inverted then

client.print(" <td><div class='green-circle'><div class='glare'></div></div></td>\n"); //Print html for ON LED



//Print end of row



//Display or hide the Print all on Pins Button

if (switchOnAllPinsButton == true ){

//Prints the ON All Pins Button

client.print("<tr>\n<td><INPUT TYPE=\"button\" VALUE=\"ON");

client.print("\" onClick=\"parent.location='/?");



//Prints the OFF All Pins Button

client.print("<td><INPUT TYPE=\"button\" VALUE=\"OFF");

client.print("\" onClick=\"parent.location='/?");




//Closing the table and form






//readOutputStatuses Function


//Reading the Output Statuses

void readOutputStatuses(){

for (int var = 0; var < outputQuantity; var++) {

outputStatus[var] = digitalRead(outputAddress[var]);





//readEepromValues Function


//Read EEprom values and save to outputStatus

void readEepromValues(){

for (int adr = 0; adr < outputQuantity; adr++) {

outputStatus[adr] = EEPROM.read(adr);




//writeEepromValues Function


//Write EEprom values

void writeEepromValues(){

for (int adr = 0; adr < outputQuantity; adr++) {

EEPROM.write(adr, outputStatus[adr]);




//initEepromValues Function


//Initialiaze EEprom values

//if eeprom values are not the correct format ie not euqual to 0 or 1 (thus greater then 1) initialize by putting 0

void initEepromValues(){

for (int adr = 0; adr < outputQuantity; adr++){

if (EEPROM.read(adr) > 1){

EEPROM.write(adr, 0);





//htmlHeader Function


//Prints html header

void printHtmlHeader(EthernetClient client){

// Serial.print("Serving html Headers at ms -");

timeConnectedAt = millis(); //Record the time when last page was served.

// Serial.print(timeConnectedAt); // Print time for debbugging purposes

writeToEeprom = true; // page loaded so set to action the write to eeprom

// send a standard http response header

client.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");

client.println("Content-Type: text/html");

client.println("Connnection: close");


client.println("<!DOCTYPE HTML>");


// add page title


client.println("<meta name=\"description\" content=\"CORTES\"/>");

// add a meta refresh tag, so the browser pulls again every x seconds:

client.print("<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"");


client.println("; url=/\">");

// add other browser configuration

client.println("<meta name=\"apple-mobile-web-app-capable\" content=\"yes\">");

client.println("<meta name=\"apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style\" content=\"default\">");

client.println("<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, user-scalable=no\">");

//inserting the styles data, usually found in CSS files.

client.println("<style type=\"text/css\">");


//This will set how the page will look graphically

client.println("html { height:100%; }");

client.println(" body {");

client.println(" height: 100%;");

client.println(" margin: 0;");

client.println(" font-family: helvetica, sans-serif;");

client.println(" -webkit-text-size-adjust: none;");

client.println(" }");


client.println("body {");

client.println(" -webkit-background-size: 100% 21px;");

client.println(" background-color: #c5ccd3;");

client.println(" background-image:");

client.println(" -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top,");

client.println(" color-stop(.75, transparent),");

client.println(" color-stop(.75, rgba(255,255,255,.1)) );");

client.println(" -webkit-background-size: 7px;");

client.println(" }");


client.println(".view {");

client.println(" min-height: 100%;");

client.println(" overflow: auto;");

client.println(" }");


client.println(".header-wrapper {");

client.println(" height: 44px;");

client.println(" font-weight: bold;");

client.println(" text-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,0.7) 0 -1px 0;");

client.println(" border-top: solid 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.6);");

client.println(" border-bottom: solid 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.6);");

client.println(" color: #fff;");

client.println(" background-color: #8195af;");

client.println(" background-image:");

client.println(" -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom,");

client.println(" from(rgba(255,255,255,.4)),");

client.println(" to(rgba(255,255,255,.05)) ),");

client.println(" -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom,");

client.println(" from(transparent),");

client.println(" to(rgba(0,0,64,.1)) );");

client.println(" background-repeat: no-repeat;");

client.println(" background-position: top left, bottom left;");

client.println(" -webkit-background-size: 100% 21px, 100% 22px;");

client.println(" -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;");

client.println(" }");


client.println(".header-wrapper h1 {");

client.println(" text-align: center;");

client.println(" font-size: 20px;");

client.println(" line-height: 44px;");

client.println(" margin: 0;");

client.println(" }");


client.println(".group-wrapper {");

client.println(" margin: 9px;");

client.println(" }");


client.println(".group-wrapper h2 {");

client.println(" color: #4c566c;");

client.println(" font-size: 17px;");

client.println(" line-height: 0.8;");

client.println(" font-weight: bold;");

client.println(" text-shadow: #fff 0 1px 0;");

client.println(" margin: 20px 10px 12px;");

client.println(" }");


client.println(".group-wrapper h3 {");

client.println(" color: #4c566c;");

client.println(" font-size: 12px;");

client.println(" line-height: 1;");

client.println(" font-weight: bold;");

client.println(" text-shadow: #fff 0 1px 0;");

client.println(" margin: 20px 10px 12px;");

client.println(" }");


client.println(".group-wrapper h4 {"); //Text for description

client.println(" color: #212121;");

client.println(" font-size: 14px;");

client.println(" line-height: 1;");

client.println(" font-weight: bold;");

client.println(" text-shadow: #aaa 1px 1px 3px;");

client.println(" margin: 5px 5px 5px;");

client.println(" }");


client.println(".group-wrapper table {");

client.println(" background-color: #fff;");

client.println(" -webkit-border-radius: 10px;");

client.println(" -moz-border-radius: 10px;");

client.println(" -khtml-border-radius: 10px;");

client.println(" border-radius: 10px;");

client.println(" font-size: 17px;");

client.println(" line-height: 20px;");

client.println(" margin: 9px 0 20px;");

client.println(" border: solid 1px #a9abae;");

client.println(" padding: 11px 3px 12px 3px;");

client.println(" margin-left:auto;");

client.println(" margin-right:auto;");

client.println(" -moz-transform :scale(1);"); //Code for Mozilla Firefox

client.println(" -moz-transform-origin: 0 0;");

client.println(" }");


//how the green (ON) LED will look

client.println(".green-circle {");

client.println(" display: block;");

client.println(" height: 23px;");

client.println(" width: 23px;");

client.println(" background-color: #0f0;");

//client.println(" background-color: rgba(60, 132, 198, 0.8);");

client.println(" -moz-border-radius: 11px;");

client.println(" -webkit-border-radius: 11px;");

client.println(" -khtml-border-radius: 11px;");

client.println(" border-radius: 11px;");

client.println(" margin-left: 1px;");

client.println(" background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0% 0%, 0% 90%, from(rgba(46, 184, 0, 0.8)), to(rgba(148, 255, 112, .9)));@");

client.println(" border: 2px solid #ccc;");

client.println(" -webkit-box-shadow: rgba(11, 140, 27, 0.5) 0px 10px 16px;");

client.println(" -moz-box-shadow: rgba(11, 140, 27, 0.5) 0px 10px 16px; /* FF 3.5+ */");

client.println(" box-shadow: rgba(11, 140, 27, 0.5) 0px 10px 16px; /* FF 3.5+ */");

client.println(" }");


//how the black (off)LED will look

client.println(".black-circle {");

client.println(" display: block;");

client.println(" height: 23px;");

client.println(" width: 23px;");

client.println(" background-color: #040;");

client.println(" -moz-border-radius: 11px;");

client.println(" -webkit-border-radius: 11px;");

client.println(" -khtml-border-radius: 11px;");

client.println(" border-radius: 11px;");

client.println(" margin-left: 1px;");

client.println(" -webkit-box-shadow: rgba(11, 140, 27, 0.5) 0px 10px 16px;");

client.println(" -moz-box-shadow: rgba(11, 140, 27, 0.5) 0px 10px 16px; /* FF 3.5+ */");

client.println(" box-shadow: rgba(11, 140, 27, 0.5) 0px 10px 16px; /* FF 3.5+ */");

client.println(" }");


//this will add the glare to both of the LEDs

client.println(" .glare {");

client.println(" position: relative;");

client.println(" top: 1;");

client.println(" left: 5px;");

client.println(" -webkit-border-radius: 10px;");

client.println(" -moz-border-radius: 10px;");

client.println(" -khtml-border-radius: 10px;");

client.println(" border-radius: 10px;");

client.println(" height: 1px;");

client.println(" width: 13px;");

client.println(" padding: 5px 0;");

client.println(" background-color: rgba(200, 200, 200, 0.25);");

client.println(" background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0% 0%, 0% 95%, from(rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7)), to(rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)));");

client.println(" }");


//and finally this is the end of the style data and header



//now printing the page itself


client.println("<div class=\"view\">");

client.println(" <div class=\"header-wrapper\">");

client.println(" <h1>AUTOMACAO</h1>");

client.println(" </div>");


} //end of htmlHeader


//htmlFooter Function


//Prints html footer

void printHtmlFooter(EthernetClient client){

//Set Variables Before Exiting

printLastCommandOnce = false;

printButtonMenuOnce = false;

allOn = "";

allOff = "";

//printing last part of the html

client.println("\n<h3 align=\"center\">ROBERTO CORTES");



delay(1); // give the web browser time to receive the data

client.stop(); // close the connection:

Serial.println(" - Done, Closing Connection.");

delay (2); //delay so that it will give time for client buffer to clear and does not repeat multiple pages.

} //end of htmlFooter


//printHtmlButtonTitle Function


//Prints html button title

void printHtmlButtonTitle(EthernetClient client){

client.println("<div class=\"group-wrapper\">");

client.println(" <h2></h2>");




//printLoginTitle Function


//Prints html button title

void printLoginTitle(EthernetClient client){

// client.println("<div class=\"group-wrapper\">");

client.println(" <h2>Please enter the user data to login.</h2>");



kkkkkkk ola RC tente apaga esse pequeno código que vc colocou pq fica ate difícil de chegar ate o final.. e faça o anexo..  qualquer duvida faça a consulta de como postar ( http://labdegaragem.com/forum/topics/sugest-o-de-como-postar)

Ok obrigado José!!!

ola eu analisei seu código. parece que ja tem  o que vc ta querendo..o pino seria (32) -> (06.PORTAO FRENTE) o comando quando vc for colocar no apk seria (6) pra acionar ele..

Obrigado, José, exatamente isso, funcionou!!!


© 2024   Criado por Marcelo Rodrigues.   Ativado por

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