Boa noite! Estou tentando achar uma forma de calibrar o hx711, encontrei a seguinte

Started with example code written by Nathan Seidle from SparkFun Electronics and added

LCD output with gram and ounce values.

Setup your scale and start the sketch WITHOUT a weight on the scale

Once readings are displayed place the weight on the scale

Press +/- or a/z to adjust the calibration_factor until the output readings match the known weight

Arduino pin 6 -> HX711 CLK

Arduino pin 5 -> HX711 DOUT

Arduino pin 5V -> HX711 VCC

Arduino pin GND -> HX711 GND

The HX711 board can be powered from 2.7V to 5V so the Arduino 5V power should be fine.

The HX711 library can be downloaded from here:



LiquidCrystal lcd(51, 50, 49, 48, 47, 46);

#include "HX711.h"

#define DOUT 5

#define CLK 6

HX711 scale(DOUT, CLK);

float calibration_factor = 2125; //-7050 worked for my 440lb max scale setup

float units;

float ounces;

void setup() {


  // set up the LCD's number of columns and rows:

  lcd.begin(20, 4);

  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);

  lcd.print("HX711 calibration");

  Serial.println("HX711 calibration sketch");

  Serial.println("Remove all weight from scale");

  Serial.println("After readings begin, place known weight on scale");

  Serial.println("Press + or a to increase calibration factor");

  Serial.println("Press - or z to decrease calibration factor");


  scale.tare(); //Reset the scale to 0

  long zero_factor = scale.read_average(); //Get a baseline reading

  Serial.print("Zero factor: "); //This can be used to remove the need to tare the scale. Useful in permanent scale projects.



void loop() {

  scale.set_scale(calibration_factor); //Adjust to this calibration factor

  Serial.print("Reading: ");

  units = scale.get_units(), 10;

  if (units < 0) {

    units = 0.00;


  ounces = units * 0.035274;


  Serial.print(" grams");

  Serial.print(" calibration_factor: ");



  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);

  lcd.print("Grams: ");


  lcd.setCursor(0, 2);

  lcd.print("Ounce: ");


  lcd.setCursor(0, 3);

  lcd.print("Calbr: ");




    char temp =;

    if(temp == '+' || temp == 'a')

      calibration_factor += 1;

    else if(temp == '-' || temp == 'z')

      calibration_factor -= 1;



No entanto, gostaria que fosse o reverso! Que eu selecionasse o peso que estou colocando e o codigo se adequasse a ele, automatizando a calibraçao

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